首页» 数量遗传课题组» 科研» 专题会议» 第七届QTL作图和育种模拟研讨会专题


点击数:  |  发表时间:2012-07-11
20-21 January 2011, El Batan, Mexico
Participants: CIMMYT/GCP scientists, consultants, students and visitors who are in El Batan and interested in the topic; no registration fee will be charged;participants must bring their own laptops to this workshop!
Day 1 (Thursday, 20th January): Breeding Simulation
Coordinator: Jiankang Wang
9:00       Distribution of the workshop CD; Background of the workshop
9:10       Principle of breeding simulation and its applications
9:45       Define a genetic model for the QU-GENE engine
10:30    Break
11:00     Define a breeding strategy for the simulation tool QuLine
11:45     Run QU-GENE and QuLine and check results
12:30     Lunch (Sandwich provided in the meeting room)
Scott Chapman / Mark Dieters
13:30    Use of the QU-GENE Graphical User Interface (GUI): The interface
14:30    Use of the QU-GENE GUI: Design the simulation experiments (some examples)
15:00     Break
15:30    Use of the QU-GENE GUI: Visualize the simulation results
16:30    Experiences from Ravi, Hans, Gary, Pancho and Jesus (How do you like breeding simulation? What breeding issues have we investigated through simulation approaches? What are the other breeding questions worth of further investigations in the near future?)
17:30     Break
Day 2 (Friday, 21st January): QTL Mapping
Coordinator: Jiankang Wang
9:00       Principle of QTL mapping and its applications in genetic study
9:40       Functionalities of the integrated software QTL IciMapping
10:00     Interface of QTL IciMapping
10:30    Break
11:00     Use of QTL IciMapping: Build genetic linkage maps
12:30     Lunch (Sandwich provided in the meeting room)
13:30    Use of QTL IciMapping: Map QTL in biparental populations
14:30    Use of QTL IciMapping: Compare two methods by simulation
15:00     Break
15:30      Use of QTL IciMapping: Map QTL in CSSL populations
16:00      Use of QTL IciMapping: Segregation distortion mapping, QTL by E, and NAM
16:30      Frequently asked questions in QTL mapping
17:00    Experiences from Susan, Sybil, Sukhwinder, Babu, and George (What are your general comments about the software? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the software, compared with other software you have used or you are familiar with? What are your suggestions regarding the further improvement of the software in the near future?)
17:30     Adjourn